Monday, 28 October 2013


    ...Squatting in the Smith Machine

Bad idea. Forces you into a fixed movement pattern which may not be ideal for your body. If you have problems with a rep its harder to get out under the bar despite having the ability to roll the bar into the pins. You will not be able to do this with the sort of weight you need to squat. With a barbell you can just jump out and throw the bar back.
Lighter front squats seem to be ok on the smith machine, but if your serious about building a pair of well muscled strong legs then the avoid at all costs.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

INSANE Kai Greene Looses to Phil Heath in Arnold Classic Europe 2013!!

The Importance of Training Forearms

Too many trainers forego training forearms regularly. Good forearm development gives the whole arm an aesthetic quality aswell as promoting upper body strength. Small forearms look odd, aswell as making the whole physique look just that little bit smaller and weaker.

Forearms need to be trained consistently just like any other body part, however it is how you train your whole body in the first few years of training that will actually make the biggest difference to your forearm development.

Heavy back and arm training will promote thick forearms. Do not use wraps on any exercise. Only until you have spent a few years beating the iron and your forearms are reminiscent of slabs of beef should you use wraps on certain exercises. Heavy deadlifts, rows, pull-ups, shrugs and curls (especially dumbbell) will develop great grip strength and forearm thickness. Use the hook grip or one under and one over grip for deadlifts when the regular grip doesn't cut it. But continue doing all warm up sets with a regular grip. Add onto that some reverse barbell curls once a week and that should be all you need. Chalk is your friend, but some and save the money for wraps until you hold the biggest dumbbells in the gym for a couple of minutes.
Rosso - Natural Aesthetics