MAX - OT - Natural Aesthetics Excel Template

Simple and brutally effective training template for natural bodybuilders. I first used Max - OT a few years back, with great success. I loved the good old fashioned simplicity of it and the fact that heavy weights were used all the time! The program utilizes ptogressive overload to drive muscle growth, relying heavily on the notion that a stronger bodyuilder is a bigger bodybuilder. There is no denying the truth in this for drug free bodybuilders. The template is generally lower in volume (total tonnage (reps x sets x weight)) than other popular bodybuilding routines, but it certainly makes up for it in intensity. I like to think of intensity versus volume as a continuum, with maximum intensity at one end and maximum volume at the other. Both cannot be maxed out. Max - OT would be towards the intensity side, with perhaps only programs like DC and HIT further along. Compare this to programs like GVT (German Volume Training) which would be much higher in volume but subsequently lower in intensity.

Sessions are generally quite short and to the point (40-60 minutes) and sets per body part are between 5-12. Target rep ranges are 4-6 and sometimes 6-8 for smaller muscle groups such as forearms and sometimes calves. The weights must be heavy enough to induce muscular failure within these rep ranges! If you stop at 6 reps but feel as if you could perform 10 then it is not heavy enough and subsequently will not produce the strength increases necessary to warrant muscle growth. Once the higher rep ranges are regularly achieved on an exercise its time to put the weight up. Small increments will be essential in continued progress on certain exercises. With reverse curls for example, dropping down from 6 reps to 4 reps may only warrant a 1.25kg/2.5kg increase, whereas deadlifts may increase by a much larger amount. There are no percentages involved, just common sense. If you consistently find yourself performing less than 4 reps or form becomes sloppy, then its time to take the weight down slightly and grind it back up.

As with any routine, enough food must be consumed on a daily basis to get the most out of the program. Kcal should be consistently in a surplus. The program can be performed whilst cutting (in fact it can be a great way to try and preserve strength) but one must be realistic with the weight increases (if at all) as bodyweight is reduced. Depending on the amount of bodyweight lost, novices may be able to increase their strength levels whilst cutting bodyweight, whereas more advanced lifters should look to try and maintain strength or minimise strength loss.

This is my take on the MAX - OT training program. In fact, this is the exact routine that I will be performing as I start my 2015/16 bulk.

Exercise selection is well rounded; give it a go as its laid out. After the first 8 week period, de-load (lighter weights and less sets) or rest for 1 week, then change the exercise rotation if required and go again! The changes in exercise selection or order will transfer over the charts automatically. After 3 cycles of this perhaps switch to a higher frequency approach (upper/lower or push/pull/legs etc.) to bump up the weekly volume for a while.


The excel spreadsheet enables you to input weights and reps for each session, as well as weekly dietary macros/re-feeds and bodyweight to help track progress. Utilize the split laid out or input in body parts/exercises of your choice. Check out the charts to compare performance on a week to week basis. 8 week template provided.

Please consider donating if you download the program. Any contributions will support Natural Aesthetics and help me to design different and better training templates.

For online training (exercise and diet) enquiries email me at

Natural Aesthetics

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